Cheat Mode:During gameplay type T or Y. Now type in one of the following.
Put 'Em To Work: Take Charge: Must Be Pretty Cold: Sky City: Just Keep On Chargin':
The easiest way to beat the Charger in the fifth Mecc mission is to wait until it starts charging right toward you and be in the middle of the area and when its pretty close to you (trial & error) and use your jetpack and fly back but be sure no to fly to high. This way it is easier to shoot it in the mouth and easier to escape from charger just hit the nitro boost when done.
Cheat Result
allmissionsaregoodtogo-Gives all missions
basepopulate-Max number of Smarties
itsmyparty-Party house
basegoveryfast-Build faster
basefillerup-Heal base
pleasehealme-Quick heal
mapshowitall-Full map
gimmegifts-Gift shop
ineedspells-Fills Mana
When your building and managing resources (Smarties & Vimp meat) as a Meccryn, order your buddies to "Regroup" and walk through a group of Smarties. If your guys are postioned correctly each one will pick up a Smartie. Now you can carry 5 times as many Samarties as before.
Hold down Ctrl, point your cursor at a location or a group of enemies and press Right-Click w/ the mouse to have your guys attack that location or press Left-Click if you want them to defend that location.
To play as the Delphi Reaper, the way the developers intended, simply remove the "arpfix.gzp" file from the "Bin" folder.
Note: I wouldn't delete it. Just move it to your desktop or another folder. You may need it for something later.
In any multiplayer game while playing as the meccs you first must get a party house and one smartie. then build a gyropad. then go to the party house and select the tower. Then get into the gyropad fly up and hit backspace thus making you fall while in mid air. Now hit X to build the tower. (you can also do it with any other levitating mecc buildinga.)